Beer label project / Personal work
Corpse Fishing film image / Tribeca Festival
Portrait of Joao
Reverend skater / The Observer
The Vessel
Beer label project 2 / Personal work
Pig / The Observer
Fiona & Jane / The New York Times Book Review
Food map / The Observer
Player of Games / The Folio Society
Utterly Brilliant / Timmy Mallett
The Twelve Tribes of Hattie book cover
The Warmth of You
Beer label project 3 / Personal work
Model Citizen Guidelines 9 Escalator
GQ Arc De Triumph
Thousand Autumns
True/False Film Festival
Fahrenheit 451
A Small Beautiful Thing Catches the Eye
Illness Influencers / Vox
La Jetée Alternative Movie Poster
The Starless Sea / Erin Morgenstern / Knopf Doubleday
The Reply
Seven Deadly Sins
Poverty Taboo / New York Times
Robo Butler
Battle of Britain 75th Anniversary / Jersey Post
Shamina / Sky
The Summer Long
The Book of Speculation
Vuitton Bags Harpers Bazaar
Ibiza / Jose Corbacho and Juan Cruz
Cover / New Humanist Magazine
The House of Blue Mangoes W&N Books
Taiwan Election / New York Times
1421 Book Cover / Transworld
Classified Info / New York Times Kids
The Queen's Gambit
Fellini Sin Biba
Breakfast at Tiffanys 3
Fashion Laws / New York Times
Nick Hornby's Juliet, Naked
Pan from Rick Carter in the Realm of Pan
Hoda / Sky
Last Save Copy / Oberlin
Unleash The Power
Gene Vincent